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Ritual Bath Services 

My Ritual Bath services are focused on empowering you to create positive transformation in your life from the inside to the outside. My ritual baths are an indulgent, at home spa experience. Your own bathroom is transformed with a combination of beautiful crystals, energetically corresponded herbs, color magic and symbolic action. This is an experience that is luxurious, deeply relaxing, and helps you tap into your inner magic. 

Ritual baths are planned around an intention which is a desired goal or outcome. A ritual bath includes different components that are meant to create an aesthetically pleasing environment, and to stimulate all of the five senses. The different components used also carry a symbolic meaning. Herbs are chosen based on your intention. Symbolic action in a ritual bath can include meditation, visualization, eating, burning something, or affirmations depending on the purpose of the ritual.
Helpful For: People who are feeling energetically disconnected, seeking to feel more empowered in their lives, crave a more nourishing self care practice, or feel like they want to experience more pleasure and magic in their lives.

Premium Ritual Bath Kits

My hand made ritual bath kits have everything you need to transform your bath into a ritual that indulges all five senses. There's a lot of experience, time, and effort that goes into creating a ritual. There's setting the intention, planning which herbs support your goal, deciding on what type of symbolic action works best for your ritual, and sourcing the ingredients. With a kit, the ritual bath becomes a more accessible and enjoyable experience. With my kits you have the freedom to put all your energy into enjoying the experience since everything you need is already at your fingertips.

Our kits are based around the five senses because to encourage your whole body to be engaged in the experience and create lasting results. We dedicate our attention to sourcing only the highest quality ingredients and components, and hand make the bath blends, infused oils, and loose incenses.

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- Candles

- Crystal

- Loose Incense



- Tea Blend

Moonchild - Magical Hand with Moon.png


- Crystal

- Bath Mix

- Self Massage



- QR Code For Music



- Ritual Oil

- Bath Mix

- Loose Incense



- Visualization

- Relaxation



A Full Size Crystal: large, high quality.

  • Ethically sourced.

  • Bring healing energy into ritual bath.


An easy To Follow Ritual:

  • Planned around a healing intention.

  • Step by step instruction.

  • Includes a link to music to support ritual mindset.

Personalized Tarot Reading: 

  • Offers guidance on how to use the ritual to heal 

A 3oz ritual bath mix:

  • Natural blend of herbs, salts, and essential oils

  • Harvested sustainably.

  • Infuses your bath with magic and intention

An Infused Ritual Oil Roller Bottle:

  • Hand made and cold infused

  • Scents and herbs correspond to the intention.

  • Triggers memory creation and lifts mood with aromatherapy

A Loose Incense:

  • A natural blend of ethically sourced herbs and resins.

  • Charcoal briquette included

  • Instructions included to use as a smoke or steam

  • Is used to fill space with energy beneficial to your ritual.

Correspondence Cards:

  • Lists magical properties of each ingredient used.

  • Includes affirmations for the intention of your ritual.

  • Useful for cultivating relationships with the herbs used.


A Tea Blend:

  • Chosen based on ritual theme from the local tea shop

  • Helps create a sense of relaxation and being nourished.


6in Colored Candlesticks: 

  • Color helps support ritual theme

  • Builds energy and releases intention


Learn more about our ingredients

Full Moon Premium Ritual Bath Kits:
These are curated monthly for the unique energy of each full moon. They help you harness the energy of the full moon and create a luxurious healing ritual in your bathtub. They are limited edition and the theme of the month is always announced on our Instagram. They can be bought as a single package, or to save you can enroll in our subscription program to experience a healing ritual bath every full moon.

Custom Premium Ritual Bath Kits:
Have a specific intention in mind, or want a ritual designed specifically for you? This offering allows us to work together to create a ritual bath kit that will offer healing exactly where you need it. You can choose a ritual that will help you heal your energy centers, manifest something, release an old relationship, banish bad energy, or help you tap into energetic qualities you would like to embody. This can be a one time kit, or if its something that needs to be healed in stages we can plan a series of boxes. You can upgrade this offering to deluxe if you want an even larger crystal. Each of the components will be chosen to support your unique intention.


Bath Fairy Services

The full service level of ritual baths, my bath fairy services bring the most luxurious, indulgent, and memorable ritual bath experience to you. This service incorporates fresh flowers, themed candles, and an extensive selection of huge crystals to create a ritual bath fit for royalty.  The best part of this service is all you have to do is enjoy. I come to you and do the setup, leave you to enjoy the experience, and then after I come in to clean up and leave your bathroom as it was before. Bath fairy serves are entirely tailored to your unique healing and ritual needs. I offer personal bath fairy services, and group services.


Personal Bath Fairy Services:
This service begins with us discussing your unique healing and ritual needs. Then an array of crystals, fresh flowers, candles and herbs will be chosen to create an extravagant ritual bath experience in your own bathtub. The planning, set up, and clean up is all on me and you get to fully indulge in the most memorable bath you've ever experienced.

This service can be excellent for pre wedding, post divorce, to support energetic alignment, or to simply celebrate yourself.  

Group Bath Fairy Services:
This service begins with us discussing your group's unique healing and ritual needs. Then an array of crystals, fresh flowers, candles and herbs will be chosen to create an extravagant ritual foot bath experience that can be set up just about anywhere.

The planning, set up, and clean up is all on me and your group gets to fully indulge in the most memorable foot bath they've experienced.
This service can be excellent for wedding parties, retreat gatherings, healing circles and other group occasions.

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